
There comes a time in your life when you realize how relaxing, therapeutic, and beneficial regular Swedish or deep tissue massage is to your body. Life is too short to neglect your body and not practice self-care.

However, there is a new “kid” in town. It’s often considered the “stepchild” of our body. And I’m referring to our ‘Lymphatic System.’

What does that mean to you and I?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is not a form of “massage” but a gentle technique that moves lymph fluid to the proper lymph nodes. I find this gentle way of body work very fascinating because of how much it benefits us to intentionally care for it. To know how your Lymphatic System works, is to know how to care for it. And caring for your Lymphatic System makes for healthier vibrant you.

I have pursued Lymphatic training to enable me to help more women with pre and post surgery recovery as well as women battling with cancer and the after care of lymph removal. My lymphatic certifications are from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies that is well known nationwide. All surgery causes some form of trauma and inflammation. MLD is also very beneficial and relaxing for pregnant women. In a nutshell, our lymph system is responsible for keeping our many systems working properly, efficiently and optimally. Our lymphatic system is a “secret river of health.”

  • The Lymphatic System is made up of nodes, vessels, and fluids.
  • The role of lymph works by protecting organs, blood vessels, and systems from cellular trash, toxins and other threats to the way our body functions.
  • The Lymphatic system holds the key to health, your longevity, your ability to fight disease, your energy and your overall wellness.

When your Lymphatic System is not running smoothly, you’re at a greater risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases that decrease your quality of life, increase your healthcare costs, and increase your chances of premature death. Our Lymphatic System is our immune system. And one of the signature traits of chronic degenerative disease is chronic inflammation. This inflammation happens when the immune system becomes dysfunctional, and your body is being overwhelmed by bacteria, free radicals, and other substances that cause disturbances in the way your body works – putting your body in a state of high alert all the time.


Schedule your MLD session today. / Hablamos Español

Call or text us at: 903-557-4637

WHY MLD & Massage? Massage directly moves both blood and lymph along, getting nutrients where they need to go, and helping remove waste products. When you allow your muscles to relax, the blood and lymph vessels expand, improving flow. Massage therapy has also been shown to reduce pain and anxiety after heart surgery. MLD relaxes, reduces inflammation and is overall very therapeutic.

  • 40 MINUTES: $75
  • 50 MINUTES: $90
  • 90 MINUTES: $120 / MLD (edema or lymphedema that requires appropriate lotion, bandages and dressings.
  • Special rates for three or five consecutive days.
  • 60 MINUTES: $60
  • 75 MINUTES: $75
  • 90 MINUTES: $85

We accepts Credit & Debit Cards, Apple pay and Cash.

Pictured is a woman and how the Lymphatic System (in green) is arranged in our body. Unlike your cardiovascular system, your lymph system has no central hub to kick-start the flow of fluid. Instead, the flow is orchestrated by pressure from various muscular systems and the nearby pulses of the vascular system.

The largest lymph vessels and main lymph channels in your body are located in your chest.
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Shiloh Nutrition 2020