

The roots of massage lie solidly in the touch of caring and intentional hands.

The 7 Basic Massage Styles:

This type of massage is the most common, and also named “classic” massage. This type of massage originated in Sweden in the 1830’s. Swedish fencing instructor Per Henrik Ling reportedly cured his elbow injuries using percussion strokes around the affected areas. Years that followed that, he developed other strokes used by massage therapists today. 

Swedish technique consists of five basic strokes: effluerage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), friction, tapotement (percussion) and vibration. These strokes are not used on every part of the body and on each individual. These techniques are meant to relax you, stimulate nerve endings, increase blood flow,  promoting relaxation and relieve tension. The techniques can also energize the body and improve overall health. 

Is bodywork that originated in Japan. It focuses on providing deep pressure to the twelve meridians (the streams or pathways of energy throughout the body). Each meridian corresponds with a particular organ and encompasses the larger functions of that organ and complimentary organ. Some benefits of Shiatsu massage is improved circulation, reduces stress, tension, anxiety and depression. Increases range of motion and generalized feelings of relaxation and improved well being.

This type of massage, has been around for many years. Many believe it began with ancient Egyptians. It consists of more pinpointed and broad strokes.

Dr. Therese Phimmer (1949) a Canadian woman, is credited with beginning the evolution of Deep Tissue massage therapy, after analyzing Dr. Lings Massage techniques. Dr. Phimmer was left paralyzed in her lower limbs in 1946, due to an accident. Aiming for the deep muscles and the nerves every day, she eventually regained feeling and eventually had the full use of her legs again.  As soon as she became qualified, she opened her own clinic in 1949. 

Deep tissue massage is an excellent way to reduce tension from contracted muscles such as the neck and shoulders. It has been reported to ease symptoms of whiplash, back pain, and sciatica.

This type of massage is a form of alternative medicine massage therapy and bodywork involving the placement of hot stones to the body for the purpose of pain relief, relaxation and therapy. The hot stones are generally used on the back, IT (iliotibial) band and targeted parts of the body that need special attention. Hot stones are great to relax tense muscles, improved sleep, encourage the body to detox and heal through increasing the lymphatic flow and encouraging the body to eliminate waste products. 

People that would not benefit from hot stone massage are children, pregnant women and cardiac patients.



This is a type of Swedish massage that uses essential oils (highly concentrated plant oils.) It’s primarily used for relaxation, pain management, and improved mood. The main focus is relaxation and mindfulness. During an aromatherapy massage, you both inhale essential oil molecules and absorb them through your skin. It is often used to treat all areas of the body most prone to stress and tension, such as the neck, back, and shoulders, along with the legs arms and hands.

The blend of incredible oils of your choice, will send you into complete relaxation, and you will definitely leave feeling relaxed and renewed.

Pregnant women, and those with issues such as asthma, nose bleeds, epilepsy, skin conditions, and high blood pressure should consult their doctor before undergoing an aromatherapy massage.

Is a full-body where the practitioner will kneel or walk on the client. While fully clothed, Thai massage is geared towards applying deep pressure to improve circulation, mobility and more.

People who have cancer, pregnant or recovering from surgery, should not undergo a Thai massage.

Sports massage is specifically tailored to different sports and sporting injuries. It is not a relaxing form of massage and can often be quite strenuous. It suits anyone looking for the treatment of injuries or repetitive sprains or strains that have built up over time in specific soft tissue and muscle areas. Primarily amateur and professional athletes use sports massage to help them recover from injuries or intensive training, reduce pain and prevent further damage. It is performed by stretching tight muscles, stimulating inactive muscles and improving the condition of the soft tissues.

People that should not receive a sports massage are those with open wounds, infection, pregnancy, muscle ruptures and tears, burns, broken bones, thrombosis (local coagulation or blood clotting), inflammation, and bleeding disorders.

 Before visiting a massage therapist, be sure he / she is licensed in your state.

20 Reasons You Need A Massage

Relieves Stress

Reduces Anxiety

Manage Pain

Reduces Muscle Tension

Enhances Exercise Performance

Relieves Tension Headaches

Sleep Better

Natural Analgesic

Depression Symptoms Decreased

Osteoarthritis Relief

Decreases Stress in Cancer Patients

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Promotes Relaxation

Lowers Blood Pressure

Relieves Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Helps Chronic Neck Pain

Increases Range of Motion

Decreases Migraine Frequency

Hospice Care Quality of Life

Chemo-Therapy Related Nausea

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